Daily Prompt: Hopeful

via Daily Prompt: Hopeful

Year 2016 coming to an end, I am hopeful that the year to come-would be a pleasant one.

Wonderful discovery of the blogging world, hopeful to learn more of the trend.

In this world, everyday is a new triump. Meeting new people, learning what their hearts have to share.

I am hopeful to learn something  more, each day to know one more soul. Swimming in the ocean of happiness where imaginations take various strokes.

Blogging is a unique beauty, where heart speaks and minds read. I am hopeful to spread some smile, make this lead go greater miles.


Wishing each one of you a very happy new year..I am hopeful that it will be the best year with love, happiness and prosperity for each one of you.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey.. 

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